Victoria group employee benefit

Victoria group employee benefit


Victoria group employee benefit

Occupation. The more likely you are to suffer injury or illness because of the work you do, the more likely the health insurance industry will be to charge excessively for benefits.

This may be well and good for professional deep-sea divers. But the industry has begun to stretch the concept into areas that have nothing to do with the inherent danger of the work. The New York Times recently published an expose’ on the increasing number of professions to which health insurance companies will not issue policies. According to the Times, Victoria group employee benefit is not denied because the professions are inherently dangerous, but because high numbers of homosexuals are thought to be among their members. In essence, what the health insurance carriers are trying to avoid is the likelihood of paying for the treatment of AIDS.

Lifestyle. In our application for health insurance you will be asked questions about your personal habits. Your answers will have a lot to do with the cost of your Victoria group employee benefit.

If you smoke, you will probably pay more for health insurance. If you drink to excess, you will probably pay more for health insurance. If you are known to be under a great deal of stress, you may pay more for Victoria group employee benefit.

 Remember, insurance companies try to avoid having to pay benefits; thus, the greater the likelihood that your lifestyle will make you sick, the greater the likelihood that you will need medical care, and thus the more expensive your health insurance will be.

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

Regardless of the kind of insurance you select, there are certain important contract provisions to watch out for.


As you will recall from some of our earlier discussions, exclusions in an insurance policy remove areas from coverage that would otherwise come under the protection of the Victoria group employee benefit. Understanding the exclusions in your policy is vital if you are to truly understand your rights under the policy.

Here are some typical exclusions found in health insurance policies.

Preexisting conditions. Preexisting condition exclusions are the bane of the health insurance consumer. They can be so broad that they make joke of health insurance “coverage.”

A preexisting condition is often defined as “the existence of symptoms that would cause an ordinary prudent person to seek diagnosis, care, or treatment within a five-year period, or a condition for which a physician either recommended or rendered care.” That leaves a pretty wide Victoria group employee benefit latitude, as an angry health insurance consumer living in Florida discovered when she searched for health insurance. She writes:

My search for health insurance was due to the fact my employer decided to discontinue the group plan under which I had been covered. The insurance premium had been increased drastically at regular intervals until the premium for three adults and two teenagers had reached nearly $50,000 per year.


…Continued in Victoria hr outsourcing

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