Travel Insurance NZ

Travel Insurance NZ



Travel Insurance NZ

Increase Resources

Not all demands can be reduced, particularly if business demands accompany the desire to compete in tough markets. In many cases, walking away from the competitive market would equal failure. Globally competitive firm’s inevitability experience high demands. The resources available to Travel Insurance NZ professionals responding to such demands include values, practices, and actions, among them the strategies described below.


In a classic management-science experiment, employees on an assembly line were given control over the line’s speed. Initially afraid that employees would take advantage of the situation and slow down production, management found to its surprise that Travel Insurance NZ actually worked faster when they controlled their own work.

Many companies have learned the value of sharing control with employees, giving them a say in how they accomplish and cope with increased demand. A hotel chain working to increase the productivity of maids wanted to raise the standard from cleaning eighteen rooms per day to cleaning Travel Insurance NZ. Rather than merely raise the standard, the management experiment in a number of hotels by forming high-performing work teams of five maids who were responsible for cleaning ninety-five rooms per day (the new standard). Each team, however, was given complete control over how they organized themselves to get the work done on time and within quality standards. One team decided that four of its Travel Insurance NZ members would clean and the fifth would watch the kids of all five. This approach gave management what it wanted—increased productivity and continued quality—and employees what they wanted—flexibility and autonomy.

Control takes many forms. It may be control over work schedules. Flextime has helped a number of firms maintain employee commitment. In Microsoft’s early days, the computer programmers faced enormous pressures and demands in preparing the thousands of lines of code needed for the new operating system. These programmers controlled their work schedules: They had not time clock and no one monitored their work. Giving these Travel Insurance NZ employees control over how they met demands placed on them was a key part of Microsoft’s success.

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