Travel Insurance Comparison

Travel Insurance Comparison



Travel Insurance Comparison

Usually, but not always (many states hold that a warranty violation is actionable by the very fact that it occurred), a Travel Insurance Comparison company seeking to escape liability based on improper conduct must prove the bad intent of the policyholder. They must also show that the false information was of great significance. Thus, to use a ridiculous example, if you lied about the color of your eyes and the insurance company find out, they would be unlikely to get out of the Travel Insurance Comparison. On the other hand, if you lived in a very rural area and you warranted in a homeowner’s policy that you had a phone with which to call the fire department, when in fact you did not, that could be a different story.

When Does Coverage Begin?

We now know what a Travel Insurance Comparison contract is and what parts it is made of. But when does the insurance contract actually begin? In other words, when is the company on the hook if a loss occurs—until you’ve paid a premium, or as soon as you sign on the dotted line> the answer to this question can be very important if a loss covered by the policy occurs after you have requested to be covered but before the policy has been formally issued. Let’s call this time period the gray area.

The gray area is entered as soon as you fill out and sign an application for Travel Insurance Comparison insurance and the agent accepts it. In the application, you will supply basic facts to the insurance company, such as your name, address, age, and gender. Information pertinent to the kind of insurance you desire and the extent of the risk you present to the insurance company will also be solicited in the application. For example, you will have to disclose your medical history in an application for health or life insurance. The value of your car and the existence of extras, such as a car phone, will be pertinent to an automobile policy. When a Travel Insurance Comparison insurance application is taken over the phone, the same principles apply.

Consumer Alert:

Material misrepresentations in the application may be grounds for the insurance company to be relieved from its obligations under the insurance contract. So be honest, even if the agent suggest you fudge on the truth, which some commission-hungry agents sometimes do. The benefits you save may be your own.

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