Texas Health Resources Mesquite

Texas Health Resources Mesquite



Texas Health Resources Mesquite

Successful empowerment approaches to Texas Health Resources Mesquite are more than gripe sessions in which employees come together to complain about what is wrong with the firm. They are built on the principle “no blaming, no complaining,” which means that an employee who identifies a problem can’t blame someone else or simply complain about it but must move to fix Texas Health Resources Mesquite. Empowerment efforts are more than suggestion systems in which employees offer random suggestions for improvements; they are focused on translating a specific mindset into specific employee behavior. They are more than a series of isolated discussion groups, each offering different opinions about how to improve Texas Health Resources Mesquite; they are integrated sets of activities that empower employees to act based on the new culture.

None of the approaches to culture change is pure; no firm uses one to the exclusion of the other two. Many firms, however, focus on one and may miss the benefits of using multiple approaches. Executives acting to change cultures may begin with any of the three approaches, but they need to learn quickly to use the other two, thus taking a holistic approach to instilling the desired new Texas Health Resources Mesquite mindset. When the three approaches are used in parallel, employees receive information and behavior is shaped, leading to sustained culture change.

To build an action plan for implementing culture change, the seven critical success factors for change should be considered.

  • Leading Change: identify a sponsor for the culture change effort.
  • Creating a Shared Need: ensure that the rationale for the culture change is tied to business results and that a clear reason for the culture-change effort exists and is articulated.
  • Shaping a Vision: articulate the desired outcomes of the culture change.
  • Mobilizing Commitment: identify key stakeholders who need to accept the desired culture.
  • Changing Systems and Structures: realign and redo HR practices to be consistent with the desired culture.
  • Monitoring Progress: track and measure the new culture.
  • Making Change Last: take specific actions, assign accountabilities and time frames, and integrate multidirectional activities (top-down, side-to-side, and bottom-up)

As Texas Health Resources Mesquite professionals help executives work through these success factors, they will create an integrated culture-change action plan.

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