Texas Health Resources Lubbock


Texas Health Resources Lubbock


Texas Health Resources Lubbock

 How Personal Insurance Is Sold

Virtually everyone is covered by some form of Texas Health Resources Lubbock insurance, whether from the private sector or as a beneficiary of government benefits. Such coverage is obtained in a variety of ways. Often it is paid for directly by contacting an authorized salesperson and paying the price of the Texas Health Resources Lubbock premium. Insurance is also obtained indirectly, often as a benefit of employment or union membership times, we receive insurance as a legal right based upon our individual circumstances (e .g, Medicare).

    With the exception of Texas Health Resources Lubbock insurance obtained through work, most people buy their insurance directly. But who sells it and under what circumstances? Let’s take a look.

Agents. The image of insurance agents seems to have fallen about as low as the image of lawyers, if that’s possible. But is this fair? As in any profession, there are those who are interested only in what you can do for them— I. e, buy coverage whether you need it or not. But good Texas Health Resources Lubbock insurance agents are primarily interested in what they can do for you—I. e, help you find the right product at the most reasonable price to meet your individual needs. In fact, finding a good agent can be one of the best things you can do for yourself as a smart insurance consumer.

     Agents are licensed by the state in which they do business. As such, they can be considered professionals. Licensed usually requires a minimum of education and the pass of a Texas Health Resources Lubbock examination.  Licensing should not be confused with membership in a national society, such as being a CLU (Charred Life Underwriter).

     Agents generally come in two types: the independent agent and the exclusive agent. An independent agent is an entrepreneur who represents many different insurance companies at the same time. He or she is paid through commissions based on a percentage of the price you pay in premiums. The exclusive agent on the other hand, sells insurance for one company only. Exclusive agents also work on commission.








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