Texas Health Corpus Christi


Texas Health Corpus Christi


Texas Health Corpus Christi

Imagine a large matrix. The Texas Health Corpus Christi columns are the countries in which a company operates; the rows are the HR practices. In each cell are some of the unique requirements of that country. HR professionals should be masters of this type of matrix, able to discuss any and all country-specific Texas Health Corpus Christi challenges.

Global HR matters and will come to matter more in the future. It matters in terms of business strategy, country practice, and knowledge transfer.

Leadership depth

The leader of the future is not the leader of the present. Defining and creating the leader of the future will be major challenge for the HR professionals. Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith, and Richard Beckhard have edited a marvelous book, The Leader of the Future, in which a number of prominent theorists on the nature of leadership discuss their views. These essays reveal a number of ways in which the leader of the future will differ from the Texas Health Corpus Christi of today.

  • Leadership will reside less at the top; it will, rather, be shared throughout an organization.
  • Charismatic leaders will be less important than the processes the leaders create.
  • Individual leadership will be replaced by team leadership.
  • The new leader will be more likely to ask questions than to give answers.
  • Leaders will be less likely to look for and accept simple solutions and more likely to identify and live with paradoxes.
  • Focus will shift from reliance on purely analytical tools in favor of integration of the analytical and the affective.
  • Global thinking and demeanor will replace an exclusively domestic focus.
  • Interest in questions and learning will replace focus on solutions and answers.

Texas Health Corpus Christi professionals must establish systems that create or discover these future leaders. These systems might include designing and using competence models, tracking the quality of present leadership, finding creative methods for leadership development, and involving senior managers in serious leadership development. Texas Health Corpus Christi professionals may come to be judged by the extent to which they develop future leaders.

Knowledge transfer

Two primary factors characterize the learning organization: the ability to generate ideas that have impact and the ability to generalize them. Most large firms generate ideas regularly. Pockets of excellence exist wherever innovative practices exist. Innovations in management, technology, product, distribution, and human resources routinely occur within businesses, plans, countries, or functions.








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