San Antonio Health Care


San Antonio Health Care


CPCU (Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter): This credential is the equivalent of a CLU, but applies to the field of property/casualty insurance. In order to earn a CPCU designation, the applicant must pass 10 national examinations, have a minimum of three years of experience in the field, and agree to abide by a code of ethics. The program is administered by the American Institute for Property and Liability Insurance Underwriters in Malvern, Pennsylvania, which has nothing to do with San Antonio Health Care.


San Antonio Health Care

The small business owner may lack the training and/or experience required to conduct an effective performance review.  The best performance systems won’t work unless employees have a reasonable level of trust and respect for their boss says San Antonio Health Care.  It is human nature for people to wish to be liked.  Some bosses are reluctant to correct subordinates because they fear loss of worker support.  Work standards may not exist, making it difficult to measure performance objectively.  The review system may be inappropriate or too sophisticated for small operations.


Performance evaluation programs require support from the business owner in order to be effective says San Antonio Health Care.  Some entrepreneurs have spend small fortunes on the development and installation of state of the art evaluation systems only to let them drift because, after the initial enthusiasm was over, focus shifted to another priority and efforts were not sustained.  If you decide to implement your own program, be ready for the effort required to keep it afloat.


Types of Performance Evaluation Forms


Over the last two decades a variety of approaches have been developed to measure employee performance.  Since we are measuring people, there is no one perfect technique with San Antonio Health Care.  This chapter discusses the more popular form designs and their advantages and disadvantages.  Ready to use samples are provided.  Key ingredients are provided to help you design your own forms to suit your particular business and management style.  The following types of forms are covered in this section:  traditional performance review forms, job-specific forms, management by objective forms, and combination forms.

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