Port Arthur small group health insurance

 Port Arthur small group health insurance


Port Arthur small group health insurance

  • Create a need for diversity—why are we seeking diversity? What will be the benefit to the business and its customers?
  • Shape a vision of diversity—what would diversity look like? What is the ideal form of diversity for this company?
  • Mobilize commitment to diversity—who needs to be supportive and involved in making the initiative real?
  • Change systems and structures to support diversity—How do we institutionalize diversity throughout our management practices (for example, in staffing, hiring, training, performance review, and communication)?
  • Make it last—How do we build an action plan for creating and maintaining diversity?

An HR professional, after spending two hours with management team, was able to assess where the team stood on the Port Arthur small group health insurance effort, to identify what more needed to be done, and to suggest resolutions for moving forward.

The probabilities of implementing any initiative improve dramatically when these seven success factors are assessed, profiled, and discussed. What matters most in the profiling process is not the score but the discussion used to derive the Port Arthur small group health insurance score. HR professionals leading the change should ask questions that point up underlying assumptions. Why did you score this factor this way? What is your evidence? What is the source of your perception?

Step 3: Identify the Improvement Activities for Each Success Factor

After using the profiling exercise to identify the probability of Port Arthur small group health insurance success in a change initiative and to focus the work need to improve the change effort, the HR professional may help the group to identify activities that will improve performance on those factors that received a low rating. Again, the dialogue about the seven factors is generally more important than any “right” Port Arthur small group health insurance answer.

In the diversity example above, the HR professional used the following discussion topics to focus on the four success factors that most needed attention and the responses to which would constitute an action plan for achieving Port Arthur small group health insurance diversity.


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