Pasadena small business group health insurance

Pasadena small business group health insurance


Pasadena small business group health insurance

The centralize/decentralize debate will never be satisfactorily resolved because it asks the wrong question. Centralize/decentralize questions focus on what goes on inside the Pasadena small business group health insurance function more than who uses the services of the function. Because the centralize/decentralize debate results in frequent changes in allocation of authority, employees become cynical about how the HR work is really done. The centralize/decentralize debate puts attention on power and authority rather than on Pasadena small business group health insurance.

  • Influence and drive organizational-change strategies in support of business strategies.
  • Manage the “pilot’s checklist” to help ensure successful change efforts.
  • Take continuously the organization’s pulse regarding both internal and external matters and perspectives.
  • Remain up to date about the tools, techniques, and practices of change in order to effectively and efficiently manage change and respond to the organization’s Pasadena small business group health insurance requirements.
  • Educate the organization about HR trends that affect the business.
  • Place all possible HR information on-line (at Lotus, this service was called Direct Connect). Twenty-three three-ring binders were reformatted into Direct Connect, which is continuously updated with information on new Pasadena small business group health insurance policies and practices.
  • Empower “responder” accountability among the Direct Connect staff to ensure quality service delivery. Direct Connect employees respond to eight to ten cases per person per day, with responsibility for fixing each problem.
  • Track all calls, Direct Connect incoming calls are tracked to ascertain possible company-wide problems, issues, and concerns. This information becomes an important HR database, sorted by location manager, or other data classification.
  • Work hard to deliver Direct Connect service. The Direct Connect responder answers 79 percent of all calls within three minutes; 21 percent of employee questions are referred from the responder to an HR staff person.
  • Distribute data about Pasadena small business group health insurance use to line managers. It is useful for managers to know, for example, if most calls concern training benefits, the company position on a specific issue, the correct handling of a required form, and so on.
  • Do aggressive marketing. The benefits of using Direct Connect in lieu of talking with a live person must be marketed through demonstrations (for example, in the lunch room and at information kiosks), communication (such as letters to employees’ homes), and focus groups.


…Continued in Pasadena small business payroll outsourcing

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