Odessa cheap health insurance temporary

Odessa cheap health insurance temporary


Odessa cheap health insurance temporary


The usual exclusions regarding war and nuclear accident apply to umbrella coverage’s. In addition, umbrella coverage does not pay for damage to property owned or controlled by the insured, nor does it pay if the matter in dispute is a workers Odessa cheap health insurance temporary compensation case. In addition, business activities that give rise to liability are not included in the umbrella, nor are professional liability cases. Insurance specific to those needs is available.

Consumer’s Agenda

Many people don’t realize it, but California’s Proposition 103 applied to Odessa cheap health insurance temporary homeowner’s insurance as well as auto insurance. And in the brouhaha that followed, it was discovered that the profit margins in these lines were very high. (For a review of Proposition 103, see   13.) There may be grounds for rate relief in your state, too.

Another area of very real concern to homeowner’s insurance consumers is earthquake coverage. The power of an earthquake is awesome. Billions of dollars’ worth of property can literally be destroyed in less than 60 seconds. The October 1989 earthquake in San Francisco bay area was not “THE BIG ONE,” yet it causes approximately $4 billion in economic damage! Of course, a major part of this damage was to public facilities like the Oakland Bay Bridge, but we’re still talking Odessa cheap health insurance temporary money!

A very real question exists as to whether insurance companies have sufficient reserves to pay for property damage caused by a large earthquake. If you live in an area prone to earthquake damage, encourage your Odessa cheap health insurance temporary insurance to seriously address this potential problem and make sure that some of the enormous profit made by insurance companies that sell policies in the field if placed in reserve, “just in case.” After all, what good is good is earthquake coverage that you pay hundreds of dollars a year for if your company goes broke because it doesn’t have enough to pay claims.

Homeowner’s should begin to emulate in the field of property insurance what many of the East Coast are doing in regard to heating and oil. These Odessa cheap health insurance temporary activities are forming buying groups, which allow them to negotiate substantial discounts with oil distributors, thereby keeping their heating bills lower than is generally available to the public at large. There is no reason why the same consumer activism cannot me applied to property insurance, as long as any legal impediments that may exist removed from state law.


…Continued in Odessa company group health insurance small

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