Obamacare Texas Exchange

Obamacare Texas Exchange


Obamacare Texas Exchange

How will the data be turned into action?

Organizational analysis often overdoes data collection and undergoes analysis and Obamacare Texas Exchange. Reams of data are collected, reports are generated, statistics are presented; but, because the data remains unfocused, little action follows. Data should be turned into action as the diagnosis process unfolds, that is, as common themes are identified, as managers with decision-making responsibility take ownership of the data, and as alternative Obamacare Texas Exchange actions are proposed.

Step 3: Provide Leadership in Improvement Practices

An organizational diagnosis must go beyond assessment to improvement. Improvement occurs when Obamacare Texas Exchange professionals generate alternative actions and practices for each of the six organizational factors, adding value by framing choices and identifying best practices through research at other firms. Several excellent texts summarize emerging and best HR practices. Table 3-5 briefly highlights the key words, phrases, and concepts often used to describe Obamacare Texas Exchange practices for each of the six factors.

HR professionals should take the lead in proposing, creating, and debating best practices in culture change, competence (staffing and development), consequence (appraisal and rewards), governance (organization design, policies, and communications), work processes (learning and change), and leadership. Generating possible alternative HR practices in each of these areas becomes the responsibility of the Obamacare Texas Exchange professional, bringing to bear technical expertise and state-of-the-art knowledge.

As HR professionals work through Step 3, providing leadership in improving practices, they generate a range of HR practices to be instituted. One firm working through this step derived a list of fifteen HR initiatives for the following year. Their plans to establish all fifteen went awry, however, when they found that this large number of initiatives dissipated their efforts.

Step 4: Set Priorities

Step 4 of organizational diagnosis is setting priorities, that is, focusing on the most important, of what may be many critical issues. Demonstrates how to use two basic criteria to evaluate which HR practices should be given highest priority.

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