Obamacare Plans in Texas

Obamacare Plans in Texas


Obamacare Plans in Texas

Diet books, marriage manuals, easy-learning books (foreign language tapes, for example) sell briskly with promises of Obamacare Plans in Texas. The fact is, action/improvement in these areas is difficult and takes time and commitment. Successful weight loss diets, successful marriages, and acquisition of a foreign language require work. Likewise, HR professionals need to avoid the lure of the quick Obamacare Plans in Texas. Two traps encourage this temptation: benchmarking and frou-frou.


Benchmarking, or learning about best practices, has become almost a religion in some companies. With great fervor, teams of employees identify and visit other companies recognized as world-class. These field visits provide businesses with information on how to gauge their Obamacare Plans in Texas work relative to the best in class.

Traditionally, benchmarking has been done on the harder, more objective, aspects of a business, for example, technologies, systems, financial ratios, or quality. Increasingly, firms also benchmark softer management practices. General Electric deployed a senior management team to examine management practices in some of the best managed firms in the world to identify key processes for improving productivity. This team derived a set of principles and processes to help Obamacare Plans in Texas become even more productive. These concepts became institutionalized in a course entitled “Productivity/Best Practices” attended by over 1,000 GE managers.

Digital Equipment Corporation benchmarked twelve companies and concluded that best practice in human resources should focus less on a particular practice than on a set of general principles. They identified the following five principles as central to firms with Obamacare Plans in Texas best practices.

  • They have an integrated theme: “What the company is known for.”
  • They leverage a system of HR practices by focusing on two or three key strategic initiatives that promote the integrative theme.
  • They use discipline and follow-through to achieve the integrative theme and its HR focus.
  • Line managers are accountable for HR management as a key piece of total business management.
  • The HR function has added value that is credible and understood by both line and HR management.


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