North Richland Hills small business group health insurance

North Richland Hills small business group health insurance


North Richland Hills small business group health insurance

Unique Problems

Mobile homes have one characteristic that separates them from other residences: they can be readily moved. This provides some unique insurance problems that can be resolved by endorsements.

Damages cause during a move. When you move your  North Richland Hills small business group health insurance, there are dangers that you should insure against. For example, what if the home is in an accident? It happens. Thus, if you are going to move your mobile home, purchase an endorsement that will cover you against such mishaps.

The costs of avoiding an insured peril. If you own a mobile home and see that a large forest fire is heading your way, you can move your  North Richland Hills small business group health insurance to a safe locale until the peril passes. The basic policy provides for $500 for this kind of expense. However, it usually costs far more than that to move a mobile home. If you wish, you can add to the $500 coverage by purchasing an endorsement in an amount more likely to cover the cost of moving out of harm’s way and returning once the danger has passed.

Protection of the lienholder.  North Richland Hills small business group health insurance don’t cost as much as houses, but they are not cheap. Few purchasers pay cash. For those who buy on credit, the mobile home will be the security for the loan in the same way that a mortgage is for the purchase of a house.

 This creates a problem for the lender: you can move the  North Richland Hills small business group health insurance and thus the piece of property that “secures” the loan. For this reason, many lenders require mobile home purchasers to buy insurance that protects the lender should the purchases default on the loan and abscond with the mobile home. This lienholder protection policy is offered by way of an endorsement that also insures the lender from risk of loss during delivery.

We’ve now told you more than you probably wanted to know about the basic coverage’s you can purchase to protect your home. Now, let’s turn to the  North Richland Hills small business group health insurance that are available to add to the scope of your insurance umbrella.

“Add-on” Protection

So far we’ve described in detail the glories of the basic homeowner’s coverage’s. However, for many people, these basic plans, as extensive as they might be, do not provide adequate insurance protection. For these needy souls, the insurance industry offers more: more protection of valuables, higher limits of liability—and, of course, added premiums to pay for them.

Earthquake Insurance

Perhaps no natural disaster can cause more damage to life and property than an earthquake. That’s probably why earthquake damage is specifically excluded from coverage in all homeowner’s policies. Many people don’t believe this exclusion affects them. After all, outside of California, where does the ground shake, rattle, and roll? Unfortunately, in a lot of places.

California’s Not the Only Danger Zone

Recent news stories have indicated that there is a significant earthquake danger in some areas of the country that don’t usually leap to mind when you hear the words “The Big One.”


…Continued in  North Richland Hills small business payroll outsourcing

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