Missouri City small group business health insurance

Missouri City small group business health insurance


Missouri City small group business health insurance

Management of Strategic Human Resources

The strategic HR role focuses on aligning HR strategies and practices with business strategy. In playing this role, the HR Missouri City small group business health insurance professional works to be a strategic partner, helping to ensure the success of business strategies. By fulfilling this role, HR professionals increase the capacity of a business to execute its strategies. Translating business strategies into HR practices helps a business in three ways. First, the business can adapt to change because the time from the conception to the execution of a strategy is shortened. Second, the business can better meet customer demands because its customer service strategies have been translated into specific policies and practices. Third, the business can achieve financial performance through its more effective execution of strategy.

When Marriott, for example, made the strategic decision to enter the Hong Kong market, executives knew that successful Missouri City small group business health insurance HR practices would increase their probability of success. Since quality of service is a primary differentiator of Marriott hotels from their competition, and since the quality of employees correlates with the perception of service, Marriott executives knew they had to attract and retain the most qualified employees in the area. To do so, the HR and line executives examined the company’s HR practices, seeking ways to distinguish them in the marketplace. In this case, the customer was the pool of highly talented potential Missouri City small group business health insurance employees who might at the time be working for a competitor and who must be enticed into working for Marriott. After considering many options, the company’s offered potential employees at the Hong Kong Marriott a five-day workweek rather than the six-day workweek traditionally required by competing hotels. While this may seem a simple policy, it was very important to the potential employees. The five-day workweek became a cornerstone of Marriott’s strategy for achieving high-quality service, enabling the company to advertise, solicit, and secure the talented Missouri City small group business health insurance employees who would provide that service in the Hong Kong market.

The deliverable from the management of strategic human resources is strategy execution. HR practices help accomplish business objectives. There are many examples. As Sears worked to reduce costs, HR managers implanted compensation, job rotation, and downsizing practices that reduced labor cost per store. As whirlpool sought to gain more global market share in appliances, HR strategies modified hiring practices and career paths to ensure multinational competence. When Colgate-Palmolive wanted to increase its global revenue, the compensation system was changed to reward sales growth. When Motorola wanted to gain access to Russian markets, it offered training and development opportunities to Soviet Missouri City small group business health insurance customers. Each of these HR practices helped execute business strategy. The HR executives who designed these new practices were strategic partners: they mastered he skill of organizational diagnosis and aligned HR practices with business strategies.


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