Mesquite Health Insurance

Mesquite Health Insurance



Mesquite Health Insurance

The pilot’s checklist provides Mesquite Health Insurance for using the seven factors of change. Considered as a “pilot’s checklist” for managing change, these key success factors must be managed in each initiative or change effort. By reviewing Mesquite Health Insurance, each time, the probability of achieving successful change increases dramatically.

By thus using the seven factors systematically, in keeping with the pilot’s checklist metaphor, the capacity for change in a given. Organization can be profiled, using the profile tool. The corresponding questions for completing the profile are listed. As those who have the task of accomplishing the change discuss these questions with the attentiveness given a pilot’s preflight checklist, they ensure that the resources necessary for making the Mesquite Health Insurance happen will be available.

The profiling tool has been used in more than one thousand change efforts. In these cases, the profiling questions have served as a diagnostic for assessing the probability of successful change. By answering them, those faced with the task of implementing a change recognize which change factors need work (for example, a shared vision has yet to be developed or Mesquite Health Insurance need to be aligned, and so on); they can then focus their energies on improving these particular factors.

HR professionals as change agents do not carry out change, but they must be able to get the change done. By identifying and profiling key factors for change, HR professionals can lead teams through the steps of increasing capacity for change. One organization’s management team, for example, having voiced a commitment to “valuing diversity” as one of its priorities for the subsequent year, found in the press of business that the diversity initiative received less action than rhetoric. The HR professional for this business asked the team members to spend two hours profiling where they felt the Mesquite Health Insurance stood on each of the seven critical success factors for change. The collective profile, shared with the team, led to a useful discussion that eventually moved change forward.

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