Medicare Supplemental Plans in Texas

Medicare Supplemental Plans in Texas



Medicare Supplemental Plans in Texas

Know what insurance you want when deciding which Medicare Supplemental Plans in Texas to do business with. This means understanding what insurance value means: the price, quality of coverage, and the service the agent and company offer. Different agents and companies may offer more attractive prices but be weaker in services such as quick and efficient handling of claims or long-term commitment to insurance. If price is most important to you, buy primarily on price. But at least be aware of all options so you can make informed buying decisions based on your Medicare Supplemental Plans in Texas.

Visit the agency before agreeing to do business. Does it appear well managed and professional? Do the employees appear courteous and helpful?

Talk with the Medicare Supplemental Plans in Texas agent personally, face to face. Does the agent appear courteous and informed? Can the agent answer your questions about the policy in plain English? Does the Medicare Supplemental Plans in Texas agent seem to want to help you? Does the agent ask probing questions about your entire insurance needs, or does the agent just want to sell a policy and move on? Does the agent gladly answer your questions about prices, the company, the quality of coverage offered?

All agents are not created equal! The following is a true story and illustrates the importance of utilizing several different agents, even those who represent the same company. One of the authors of this book was shopping for auto insurance. For two cars, he was quoted a price range from $3,000 to $4,200 per year. Undaunted, he checked with an agent who represented a company known for low rates, from whom another agent had previously quoted the $3,000 price. The second agent took extra time looking into the application and discovered that the applicant owned his own home. Based on the Medicare Supplemental Plans in Texas agents superior understanding of the company’s underwriting policies, he was able to get a preferred rate for the applicant, at a savings of more than $900 per year!

Compare Policies

You should compare what each company is offering you for the premium it is demanding. Frequently, this information is supplied in computer printout comparison sheets. If the agent or company doesn’t give you a comparison sheet, create your own by writing down vital statistics of the proposed coverage—premium price, deductible, maximum benefit, exclusions, etc. This process of comparing and contrasting should allow you to focus on three “finalists” that offer the most coverage for the best prices.


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