Medical Insurance San Antonio TX


Medical Insurance San Antonio TX

Medical Insurance San Antonio TX is intended to provide all of the information most people need to become wise consumers of insurance (and then some). There are, however, many books on the subject of insurance, usually tackling only one kind of policy. That being so, some have more details about specific coverage’s than we are able to supply in a general book of this kind. We will recommend some of these from time to time, and we list some in Appendix D, but don’t be afraid to call on that hardworking expert who is always there to help: your local librarian.


Medical Insurance San Antonio TX

Traditional Performance Evaluation Forms


Traditional performance evaluation forms come in a wide variety of designs, yet they share one thing in common:  they use personal9ty traits to measure performance.  Examples of traits are cooperativeness, ability to handle stress, and flexibility says Medical Insurance San Antonio TX.  Traditional forms are common and easy to use.  The form, with its descriptive phrases, leads the evaluator through the review process.

The Upside


Since they are so general, the traditional forms can be used for a wide variety of positions.  Most of the personality traits (called performance factors) can be applied to any job since they are not job specific with Medical Insurance San Antonio TX.  These forms do not become out of date and minimal training and education are required to complete them.


The Downside


The disadvantage of the traditional form is that it focuses on personality traits rather than the job itself.  The term cooperativeness may mean one thing to the entrepreneur, another to the employeefor Medical Insurance San Antonio TX.  When pressed to defend the rating, the reviewer is often at a loss.  These forms evaluate employees at the end of the review period.  Most employees are flying blind up to that point, not really knowing how they’re performing.


Narrative Forms


Some firms do not assign rating levels when doing evaluations says Medical Insurance San Antonio TX.  They use narrative comments instead to indicate performance.  Some traditional forms don’t have provisions for an overall rating level, but leave room for comments under each rating factor.

…Continued in Texas Health San Antonio









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