Medical Insurance Houston TX



Medical Insurance Houston TX


Direct sales. Many insurance companies do away with agents all together and market their products and services directly to the buyer. Some do this by mail, others buy phone, and still others by salaried sales representatives who are not licensed agents. Medical Insurance Houston TX can save money by using direct sales insurance companies since there are no commissions to be paid out of the premium. But there is also potential danger that you will not have the brain power and experience of a licensed professional to assist you with the selection process. However, according to a 1988 study by consumer reports magazine, the most satisfied costumer’s are frequently those who purchase directly.


Medical Insurance Houston TX

Work records – whenever possible, keep good records of accomplished tasks with Medical Insurance Houston TX.  Granted, this may not be possible for many jobs, particularly administrative support and technical positions for which it may be difficult to quantify the work.  Try to keep records that capture measures of quantity, quality, and turnaround time.  Including statistics on customer complaints should also be considered. 


Observed behavior – take note of employee performance throughout the entire review period, not just the last few weeks before the evaluation.  Employees know when they due for a review; some play the system by stepping up their efforts a few weeks before the event or cultivating a more favorable impression in other ways says Medical Insurance Houston TX.


An effective way to keep good performance notes is to create a page for each employee in your day planner.  Under headings marked Things Done Well and Areas for Improvement, note both good and bad performance incidents observed throughout the review period, including the date.  Keep these notes confidential.  Yes, you are literally keeping book on your employees, so don’t go overboard and nitpick; record only key incidents that will help you when it comes times to write the review for Medical Insurance Houston TX.  Praise your employees for good work and correct them quickly when bad performance occurs.  By keeping good notes, you’ll be amazed at how much backup material you have gathered.  The time and effort spent will be more than offset by the speed and ease with which you will complete the review form later on.



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