McAllen Health Insurance

McAllen Health Insurance



McAllen Health Insurance

Important information. The declarations page will contain other important matters. In a McAllen Health Insurance policy it will identify the specific car(s) covered by the insurance. In a property insurance policy, the address of the insured property will be set forth. If there is a deductible, the amount will be listed, as will the amount of the premium. One thing the declarations page will not list is exclusions. Exclusions are matters specifically not included in McAllen Health Insurance coverage. This is one reason why you need to look beyond the declarations page if you are truly understand your McAllen Health Insurance policy.

Endorsements or riders. As we will discuss in greater detail, many policies provide basic but not all-inclusive coverage over the subject matter of the policy. If additional protection is requested, it can often be obtained for extra money. The additional items of coverage are called endorsements in property/casualty insurance and riders in life and health insurance. If they have been purchased, they will be listed in the declarations page.

Signature of the company representative. Written contracts must be signed to be valid. The declarations page will contain the authorized signature of an office of the McAllen Health Insurance company. (Your signature is usually on the application.)

     In short, the declarations page gives you a brief but not all-inclusive overview of your insurance policy—its face, if you will, but it’s not its heart and soul.


Before the terms of the contract are set forth, they must be defined. The section of the McAllen Health Insurance policy that does this is called the definitions section. For example, the word “you” will be used quite a bit in most policies. Therefore, the term “you” must be defined. That definition might read something like this:

Throughout this policy “you” and “your” refer to: 1 the “named insured” shown in the Declarations; and 2. the spouse if a resident of the same household.

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