McAllen Health Care

McAllen Health Care



McAllen Health Care

Consumer Alert:

Frequently you will not receive the actual McAllen Health Care policy until after you have decided to buy. You will also often have the right to inspect the McAllen Health Care policy and cancel. When you receive your policy, read it to make sure the promises about the terms of the policy made to get you to buy were actually kept in the contract itself. Few of us do this, but we should.

The Declaration Page

The declaration page is the part of the insurance policy with which you are probably most familiar. It is the one- or two-page from that lists then basic information of the coverage’s and terms that have been purchased. In most cases, this is the only part of the McAllen Health Care policy that is personalized to you. Here is a basic list of what can be found in a typical declarations page:

The name of the company issuing the McAllen Health Care policy. This is very basic, yet very necessary information. After all, you need to know who turn to in time of need.

The type of policy. Each type of policy will have a different form as each policy has different terms and conditions.

The name and address of the insured. This identifies you as the person to whom the insurance has been issued.

The exact time the policy will be in effect. Policy declarations are very precise about this, generally starting at 12:01 A.M. on the date the policy commences and ending at 12:00 noon or 12:00 midnight the day it ends. There is no such thing as a grace period, so if you suffer a loss outside of these time periods, you are on your own.

The extent of coverage. The amount of coverage will be typed in at the appropriate place. Many insurance policies cover several different types of risk. For example, a McAllen Health Care policy may cover liability, property damage, medical pay, etc. (see Part 2). When there is more than one kind of coverage provided, the differing terms will be broken down into different sections. Each section will in turn be listed separately on the declarations page.


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