Marketplace Insurance Texas

Marketplace Insurance Texas


Marketplace Insurance Texas

At the same time, they know that their intellectual capital, represented by their employees’ competence and commitment, is their major resource for serving clients. Under the direction of Judith Rosenblum, vice chairman of learning, education, and Marketplace Insurance Texas resources, the company developed a strategy called Nexus to integrate the employee commitment and client-service initiatives. C&L based Nexus on two premises.

  1. Our people are our customer’s most important asset.
  2. We want to be the employer choice of employees our customers would choose.

Rosenblum argued that a collaborative Marketplace Insurance Texas firm meets professional requirements as a benchmark but does so collaboratively, so that both the engagement team (C&L employees dedicated to a particular client) and the client’s team share common values. Her work has led to a series of cross-organization workshops in which C&L engagement team and the client team meet to identify common values and define behaviors that each can and should develop to serve the other; they then operationalize a new team structure that focuses on creating unity across traditional Marketplace Insurance Texas boundaries. From these workshops, collaborative networks of resources have been created through which C&L employees become more committed to serving clients, and clients are better able to use C&L employees’ talents.

In each of these cases, HR professionals acted as Marketplace Insurance Texas partners. They were given the task of answering the question a strategic partner must answer: How do we create an organization to accomplish business objectives? Business objective may be stated many ways—as financial targets, balanced scorecards, visions, intents, missions, aspirations, or goals. Regardless if the objective’s form or content, an organization must be created to make it happen. When HR professionals work as strategic partners, they work with line managers to institute and mange a process that creates and organization to meet Marketplace Insurance Texas requirements.


Becoming a strategic partner requires both fortitude and discipline.

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