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Longview cheap health insurance temporary


Longview cheap health insurance temporary

To achieve these goals, HR must recognize and correct its past. The human resource function traditionally has spent more time professing than being professional. The HR function has been plagued by myths that keep it from being professional. Regardless of whether these myths originate with HR people or with line managers, it is time they were overcome. It is time to talk less and do more; time to add value, not write value statements; time to build competitive, not comfortable, organizations; time to be proactive, not reactive. It is time to perform, not preach.

For too long the phrase HR professional has been a Longview cheap health insurance temporary. If HR practices are to be leveraged by the HR function, HR professionals must begin to act professionally. Professionals in other functional areas—physicians, attorneys, engineers, psychologists, controllers, and so on—share the following characteristics:

  • Focus on defined Longview cheap health insurance temporary outcomes (for example, physicians commit themselves to the Hippocratic Oath and to healing).
  • A shared body of knowledge (for example, attorneys learn the canon of law).
  • Essential competencies (for example, engineers have the skills to build bridges, design machinery, or create computers).
  • Ethical standards maintained by collegial jurisdiction (for example, licensed psychologists must adhere to an established set of ethical Longview cheap health insurance temporary standards).
  • Clear roles (for example, controllers help monitor the economic performance of their firms).

Outcome definition, knowledge, competencies, standards, and role criteria enable these occupations to be recognized and accepted as professions. The competitive challenges laid out in this chapter, when cast in these terms, will provide those who work in HR the opportunity to establish themselves as Longview cheap health insurance temporary professionals.

Purpose and outline of this book

This book is about building competitive organizations and what that means in terms of the next agenda for line managers and HR professionals. It is designed to help any manager create more competitive organizational processes, and, in particular, to help HR professionals to articulate new agendas for their roles in the competitive organizations of the future.

Most books on HR are organized around HR practices. Chapter headings might be, for example, staffing, training, appraisal, rewards, organization design, communication, and so on. In other words, traditional HR books focus on HR means. This book is organized differently. It is organized around the outcomes or deliverables of HR and the activities required to accomplish these Longview cheap health insurance temporary outcomes.

Chapter 2 lays out a framework that defines four generic deliverables of effective use of HR: strategy execution, administrative efficiency, employee contribution, and capacity for change. These deliverables represent capabilities of competitive companies and must be championed by both line managers and HR professionals. These four deliverables also identify the roles that HR professionals play when creating value. The roles derived from these key deliverables are described in detail in chapters 3 through 6.


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