Lemhi Pass small business group health insurance

Lemhi Pass small business group health insurance


Lemhi Pass small business group health insurance

The difference between the highest-priced company and the lowest-priced is over $200 a year! In 10 years, that amounts to more than $2,000, enough to make a dent in the cost of your kid’s college education! So don’t let laziness cost you Lemhi Pass small business group health insurance. Check around. Find the best price. Reward companies that are operated in a competitive and productive manner.

Step 2: Don’t over insure

A large part of what you pay in premiums is determined by the amount of coverage you select. Thus, some significant dollars can be saved by taking a close look at the following.

The size of the deductibles. The basic homeowner’s insurance deductible is usually $250. If you think you can afford to pay a higher deductible amount in the event that you have an Lemhi Pass small business group health insurance tomorrow, you can save big money by increasing that amount today.

The size of the liability protection. If the basic liability protection is sufficient to suit your needs, don’t pay more for higher levels of Lemhi Pass small business group health insurance protection.

The amount of money to replace your dwelling. You want to be insured for an amount sufficient to rebuild yo9ur dwelling should it be destroyed. However, many people make the mistake of insuring in an amount equal to the entire value of the property, including the land. Thus they are paying more than they have to for Lemhi Pass small business group health insurance protection.

Step 3: Investigate Discounts

There are several discounts available to consumers of homeowner’s insurance. Ask the agent you are discussing the matter with to see if the companies he or she represents offer any of the following discounts.

Multiple-policy discount. If you use the same company to write your homeowner’s, auto, and umbrella policies, you should be able to save as much as 15 percent on your Lemhi Pass small business group health insurance premiums.

Safety device discount. If your house is fitted with smoke detectors, tell your insurance company, since you can save money on your premiums. Ditto if you have a burglar alarm.

Nonsmoker’s discount. Smokers have a higher likelihood of seeing their homes go up in smoke than do nonsmokers. Some companies recognize this fact by reducing your premiums if you don’t smoke.

Fire-resistant material discount. A house constructed of fire-resistant materials can significantly reduce the chance of fire. This may result in reduced premiums.

Mature homeowner discount. Some companies reward longevity by reducing the premiums on homeowner’s insurance.


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