Killeen small business combined group health insurance rates

Killeen small business combined group health insurance rates


Killeen small business combined group health insurance rates

Traditional Health Insurance

Health insurance has traditionally come in two parts, with an optional third sometimes throw in for good measure. These are hospitalization, surgical/medical, and major medical (also known as catastrophic coverage). We will cover all three in this chapter.


Any hospital stay is going to cost a great deal of money. The more care you need, the higher the bill. For example, some intensive care units cost up to $1,000 a day, and that doesn’t include the cost of the Killeen small business combined group health insurance rates doctors. Regular care isn’t cheap either. In fact, you could live one day at the nicest hotels in the world (meals included) for just the cost of one day’s uneventful stay in an ordinary hospital. This being so, it is very important to have hospitalization insurance.

Types of policies

Hospitalization Killeen small business combined group health insurance rates policies generally come in two varieties.

Indemnity plan. This kind of policy is the easiest to understand. Basically, if you are hospitalized for covered Killeen small business combined group health insurance rates services, the insurance company must pay a flat fee directly to you. You, of course, must pay the hospital. Unfortunately, the difference between what you receive in payments and what the hospital wants to collect may be enough to put you right back in the hospital.

Fee for service. Most hospitalization policies pay for part or all of the following hospital services.

Room and board. Whether you are in intensive care or an ordinary semiprivate room, your room and board expenses will be paid by the insurance company. Frequently, there is a maximum number of days covered per stay, after which coverage ceases unless you are protected by catastrophic care insurance. Happily, this time period is usually quite long. Private rooms will be paid for only when there is a medical necessity for you to be placed in one.

Routine nursing care. If you have ever stayed in hospital, you know how important the nurses and medical staff are to your care and comfort. Your hospital bill includes these basic services (the cost of bringing you food, the cost of a nurse administering medication, etc.) These basics are paid for by your hospitalization coverage.

Miscellaneous medical services and supplies provided by hospital personnel. As you know, the aspirin you can buy for a dollar bottle in a drugstore can cost you a dollar a pill in a hospital. Expenses such as these are paid by the hospitalization coverage to the maximum allowed under the terms of the Killeen small business combined group health insurance rates policy.

Food. Hospital food is paid for by insurance. Oh boy! Now, if only there were a policy clause guaranteeing good nutrition and taste…

Use of the surgical suite. If you are in the hospital for a surgery, your hospitalization policy will pay for the cost you will be charged by the use of the operating room.

Hospitalization for treatment of substance abuse. If you listen to the advertisements for treatment programs on daytime television, you know that the country has a terrible drug and alcohol problem. Listen further to these ads, and you will know that many hospitalization policies will pay benefits for inpatient (hospitalization) treatment of such afflictions. Usually, such treatment is restricted to one hospitalization in a year’s time and a maximum of 45 days, although the terms in your policy may vary.

Hospital outpatient services. More and more, insurance companies are insisting that surgery be done on an outpatient basis. As an outpatient, you check in before breakfast, have surgery before lunch, and return home before dinner. Such brief non-overnight Killeen small business combined group health insurance rates will usually be paid for by the hospitalization portion of your health insurance. Likewise, emergency outpatient care is also usually covered under your hospitalization coverage.


…Continued in Killeen small business employee handbook

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