Insurance Broker Wichita Falls TX

Insurance Broker Wichita Falls TX



Insurance Broker Wichita Falls TX

Other Legally Responsible Parties

Another category of insured includes persons or organizations legally responsible for the acts of a covered person while using an Insurance Broker Wichita Falls TX. Sometimes we use our cars for other than personal purposes. For example, if your boss asks you to drive to the airport to pick up an important customer, you are using your car for your employer’s purposes. If you had an accident under such conditions, your employer could be sued as well as you, because you were conducting company business while driving the car. Should such an unfortunate incident take place, your employer would be considered an insured for purpose for purposes of Insurance Broker Wichita Falls TX protection. (This would not apply if you were driving a company car rather than your own. In such circumstances, the company insurance policy would be primarily responsible.)

Types of Coverage

An Insurance Broker Wichita Falls TX, whether in a fault or no-fault state, is really a combination of several different coverage’s tied up in one package. Some of these coverage’s protect third parties and some protect the insured directly. Some of the coverage’s are mandatory and some optional. The differing coverage’s are priced separately and added together to come up with the total premium cost.

Liability Coverage

The issue of liability insurance is the most controversial aspect of auto insurance and the most expensive to purchase. Insurance Broker Wichita Falls TX is designed to protect you against the costs of being sued should your or another insured’s negligent driving cause injury.

Without sounding too much like the lawyers we are, negligent driving can be defined as driving outside the standard of care required of the operators of an automobile. What constitutes driving beyond the standard of care will depend on each state’s individual laws. A good universal example would be running a red light.

Negligence requires more than the “mere” act of driving badly. In order for liability to arise there must also be some form of actual harm, called damages, which directly result from the bad driving. In other words, under the “no harm, no foul” principle, if you run a red light and get away with it without incident, you will not be subject to liability to Insurance Broker Wichita Falls TX. However, if you run a red light and hit someone, you can be held liable for all of the monetary damages allowed by law that result from your negligence.

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