Insurance Broker Lewisville TX


Insurance Broker Lewisville TX

Your Obligations Under the Contract
As a policyholder, you also Insurance Broker Lewisville TX have obligations under the contract (in addition to paying premiums). If you act improperly, the insurance company may be able to get out of paying benefits. There are usually three ways in which a policyholder may be subject to the loss of benefits.

Insurance Broker Lewisville TX

Once put to print, however, the obligation to enforce and apply policies and procedures consistently increases says Insurance Broker Lewisville TX.  Policy distribution is not without its risks.  Your attorney should review all policies before distribution to look for language that could be misinterpreted as implying promises or contracts not intended by the company, or test incompatible with current employment legislation.


Policies common to many types of companies are also available tin prewritten form.  Personnel policy manuals are also being produced on computer disk and are available in the software section of some computer and office supply stores.  Developing and communicating employee policy is more art than science with Insurance Broker Lewisville TX.  A balance must be struck between depth of detail and need for flexibility.  Printing all policies and procedures is overkill.  Some should not be put in writing.


The following alphabetical list includes policies and procedures common to most businesses says Insurance Broker Lewisville TX.  Many should be put in writing.  Where appropriate, sample text is given in italic to use as reference source when writing your own versions.  Policies and procedures covered in this chapter include the following:  attendance and punctuality, bulletin boards, business ethics, conduct, confidential and proprietary information, dress code, EEOC statements, employee personnel files, employee problem resolution, job openings, loans and pay advances, marriage between coworkers, overtime, performance appraisal, personal property, personal telephone calls and mail, reemployment, resignations, salary administration, salary increases, sexual harassment, smoking, and solicitation.

…Continued in Life Insurance Companies in Lewisville TX








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