Insurance Broker El Paso TX


Insurance Broker El Paso TX

Important information. Insurance Broker El Paso TX will help you with the declarations page that will contain other important matters. In an auto insurance policy it will identify the specific car(s) covered by the insurance. In a property insurance policy, the address of the insured property will be set forth. If there is a deductible, the amount will be listed, as will the amount of the premium. One thing the declarations page will not list is exclusions. Exclusions are matters specifically not included in coverage. This is one reason why you need to look beyond the declarations page if you are truly understand your policy.


Insurance Broker El Paso TX

Traditional Performance Evaluation Forms


Traditional performance evaluation forms come in a wide variety of designs, yet they share one thing in common:  they use personal9ty traits to measure performance.  Examples of traits are cooperativeness, ability to handle stress, and flexibility Insurance Broker El Paso TX.  Traditional forms are common and easy to use.  The form, with its descriptive phrases, leads the evaluator through the review process.

The Upside


Since they are so general, the traditional forms can be used for a wide variety of positions Insurance Broker El Paso TX.  Most of the personality traits (called performance factors) can be applied to any job since they are not job specific.  These forms do not become out of date and minimal training and education are required to complete them.


The Downside


The disadvantage of the traditional form is that it focuses on personality traits rather than the job itself for Insurance Broker El Paso TX.  The term cooperativeness may mean one thing to the entrepreneur, another to the employee.  When pressed to defend the rating, the reviewer is often at a loss.  These forms evaluate employees at the end of the review period.  Most employees are flying blind up to that point, not really knowing how they’re performing.


Narrative Forms


Some firms do not assign rating levels when doing evaluations for Insurance Broker El Paso TX.  They use narrative comments instead to indicate performance.  Some traditional forms don’t have provisions for an overall rating level, but leave room for comments under each rating factor.


Job-Specific Forms


Job-specific evaluation forms measure actual job duties and responsibilities rather than general personality says Insurance Broker El Paso TX.  Duties are specific tasks making up the job, which must be performed on a daily basis.  Examples are answering telephones, unloading trucks, operating equipment, work process, date entry on a computer, operating a lathe, and so on.  Responsibilities are combinations of duties leading to an end result or product.  Specific examples are:  responsible for delivering all interoffice mail by 10:00 am daily; balance petty cash transactions daily by 4:00 pm; process incoming catalog orders within two working days

…Continued in Life Insurance Companies in El Paso TX









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