Houston small business employee handbook

Houston small business employee handbook


Houston small business employee handbook

1.    What percent of people reach their target weight in Weight Watchers?

2.    What percent of people maintain their target weight forever?

3.    What percent of people stop smoking and never start again?

4.    What percent of people stop smoking and never start again after a major physical crisis?

5.    What percent of reengineering (or quality) efforts are judged to be successful?

Answers to these questions are often lower than people expect. Five percent of Weight Watchers clients reach their target weight; one-half of one percent maintain it forever. Seventeen percent stop smoking and never start again, and forty-three do so after a Houston small business employee handbook. Individual change is difficult. Most New Year’s resolutions fall prey to old practices, habits are hard to change and seldom do. If individuals find change difficult, it is not surprising that organizations do too. Twenty-five percent of all Houston small business employee handbook efforts are judged to be successful. Understanding why changes fail may be a first step in overcoming failure.

While many people and organizations recognize the need for change, few are able to sustain successful change efforts. Many want to change, but few are capable of really accomplishing it. HR professionals as change agents must turn desire into competence by recognizing the challenges to successful Houston small business employee handbook change and by building plans to overcome those challenges.

HR professionals can be champions in making Houston small business employee handbook change happen. For initiative and process changes, HR professionals can create a change model that can be applied to any change initiative or business process to reduce the time necessary for and increase the quality of the change. For cultural change, HR professionals can create the architecture and actions that lead to new cultures.


As discussed above, generally only about 25 percent of Houston small business employee handbook change initiatives (for example, reorganizations or quality or customer-service improvement projects) are judged to be successful, with success measured in results and the time needed to accomplish those results

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