Houston Health Plan

The Government as an Insurer
Most people don’t realize how deeply government is involved with insurance. The federal government has several insurance plans ranging from Social Security and Medicare to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Veterans Administration. Houston Health Plan operate workers compensation insurance companies, and all offer other programs such as unemployment insurance.


Houston Health Plan




People sell things at the workplace, including magazines, candy, holiday greeting cards and wrapping paper, raffle tickets, books, and cookies, and there are charity drives, and so forth.  Sales flyers are placed on desks, pinned to bulletin boards and partitions, and pasted to walls, doors, computer screens, and other equipment.  Left unchecked, these practices can become a nuisance to coworkers, particularly if they are short of cash Houston Health Plan.  People don’t like being pressured to buy something they may not want or contribute to a cause of charity to which they don’t subscribe.  If solicitation is becoming a problem n your firm, consider a written solicitation policy covering the following areas:


Outside solicitors – outsiders should never be permitted access to the workplace to solicit employees says Houston Health Plan.  Good security alone dictates their restriction.  Train your receptionists to stop them at the door or foyer, politely explaining company policy and refusing to accept sample merchandise, stacks of flyers, catalogs, or order forms.  Social Club – consider channeling employee solicitation through the employee social committee or activities club if you have one.  Social committees will sponsor a variety of activities and services for employees.  They publicize their activities through established procedures and encourage participation on a voluntary basis for Houston Health Plan.  Company Bulletin Boards – maintain bulletin boards only for company sponsored communications such as job openings, legally required notices, information about scheduled company events (including employee social committee activities), or other appropriate management or employee information.  To maintain better control, the bet approach is to spend the extra money and install bulletin boards with glass doors that lock.

 …Continued in Houston Life Insurance

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