Healthcare Plan Irving



Healthcare Plan Irving

To accomplish this Healthcare Plan Irving at GE, for example, all bureaucratic processes—reports, approvals, procedures, measures, and meetings—were examined in light of the question “Is there a customer who gets value from this work?” If the answer was no, the work was eliminated. Other specific questions used to assess the value of work include the following.

Reports: who uses the information in the report? How does the information improve decision-making? How accurate and up-to-date is the information? How much time is spent preparing the report?

Approvals: how often does someone say no? If requisitions (for example, for tuition waiver or travel approval) are always signed, then the required Healthcare Plan Irving is more bureaucratic form than a source of added value. Who is ultimately responsible for the action resulting from the approval? Does the approval process focus on this individual?

Measures: who uses the measure being tracked? Do the measure reinforce desirable behaviors? Are the measures taken because they are easy to take or because they are important? How costly are the measures? Do the measures taken reveal lead or lag Healthcare Plan Irving?

Meetings: why have the meeting? What would be the consequences of not having the meeting? What is the return on time spent for those who attend? Does the meeting serve as a communication or a decision-making tool?

Processes: how many steps are in the process? Can the process be streamlined to get things done more quickly?

These questions ferret out work that does not add Healthcare Plan Irving. As such work is discarded, employees have more time for activities that do add value and increase their contribution.


Demands on employees may be too high because of the unfocused goals. Focus could be increased by eliminating multiple initiatives in favor of doing a few critical activities, but, unfortunately, in a high-demand world, quality, innovation, empowerment, customer focus, team building, productivity, and so on, are all necessary. Who would willingly forgo Healthcare Plan Irving to achieve high productivity? High-demand organizations win by pursuing multiple dimensions.

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