Healthcare Plan Corpus Christi


Healthcare Plan Corpus Christi


Healthcare Plan Corpus Christi

Implications of the Partnership between Line Managers and HR Professionals

Ultimately, line managers or HR professionals acting in Healthcare Plan Corpus Christi cannot be HR champions; they must form a partnership. Traditional barriers separate line and staff: Partnerships break down these barriers. Partnerships ensure that, while both parties bring unique competencies to their joint task, their combined skills are more than the sum of their Healthcare Plan Corpus Christi parts. Partnerships imply mutual respect, with partners working together toward common goals in a process enriched by varied perspectives. Partnerships encourage debate and differences, but ultimately find common ground on which conflict is replaced by commitment. A true partnership exists where observers at a staff meeting cannot readily tell the HR executive from the line manager, because both clearly focus on Healthcare Plan Corpus Christi.

The emerging HR community is based on multiple partnerships. Line managers bring authority, power, and sponsorship and have overall responsibility for the HR community. HR professionals bring technical expertise. Staff professionals bring technical expertise in their functional areas. Vendors offer technical advice or perform routine standardized work. Collectively, the Healthcare Plan Corpus Christi community defines and delivers value.


 HR communities exist today. Some of these communities are formally defined; others are casual, with vague or shifting relationships. Regardless of the current status of any particular HR community, seven challenges for the future will propel the HR community forward.

Challenge One: HR Theory

Theory fulfills two purposes: First, it explains why things happen, and second, it explains when things happen.

Why HR matters

C.K. Prahalad, a world renowned professor of strategy, meets frequently with groups of HR executives. Among the insights he offers these groups is a Healthcare Plan Corpus Christi challenge. He claims that one reason HR has not become as pivotal to a business as it should be is that HR often lacks theory. Theory explains why events happen. Theory provides explanations based on logic for how events relate to each other. Theory weaves individual events into predictable and generalized patterns. Prahalad argues that HR lacks a cohesive theory.








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