Healthcare Marketplace Texas

Healthcare Marketplace Texas


Healthcare Marketplace Texas

Case Study: Application of the Multiple-Role Model at Hewlett-Packard

Hewlett-Packard (HP) has a legacy of commitment to human resource issues, although not until 1990 did a professional HR executive, Pete Peterson, become a corporate vice president. In his years as a vice president of human resources, Peterson made dramatic changes. The ratio of Healthcare Marketplace Texas people to employees went from 1:53 to 1:80, while maintaining the same high quality of services. These improvements derived from reengineering all HR processes, redefining HR roles, and reassigning accountability for managing people to the line managers.

In 1990, Peterson challenged his worldwide personnel team to “create the environment” by increasing value for the company. Providing higher quality services for employees, and utilizing human resources more effectively. Team members were to focus on becoming business partners who helped their organizations become more competitive. To translate this Healthcare Marketplace Texas vision into action, HP’s human resources professionals were assigned four specific goals.

First, the HP human resources team was to facilitate, measure, and improve the quality of management and teamwork. Second, HR was to contribute to business strategy, identify human resource implications, and facilitate change consistent with HP’s basic values. Third, Healthcare Marketplace Texas was asked to accelerate individual and organizational learning across HP. And fourth, HR was to manage people-related processes, that is, functions within the HR department.

The Healthcare Marketplace Texas human resources function has been very successful in fulfilling these goals. So successful, in fact, Hewlett-Packard won the Personnel Journal Optima’s award for general Healthcare Marketplace Texas excellence. The journal cited HP’s human resources organization in terms of its seven categories.

COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: HP’s worldwide employee survey provides employee feedback on managers’ and directors’ business goals.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: HP’s human resources department saves HP $35 million per year though a reduced HR-to- ratio.

GLOBAL OUTLOOK: HP’s “practices hotline” links company HR professionals worldwide.

INNOVATION: a women’s conference on technology helps to advance the careers of HP’s women scientists and engineers.

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