Healthcare Exchange Texas

Healthcare Exchange Texas


Healthcare Exchange Texas

INNOVATION: a women’s conference on technology helps to advance the careers of HP’s women scientists and engineers.

MANAGING CHANGE: HP is committed to improving diversity among in work force.

QUALITY OF LIFE: HP consistently rates as one of the best U.S. companies to work for because of its commitment to its work force.

SERVICE: HR has created several technical systems that continue to improve HR processes.

The Healthcare Exchange Texas human resources team continued to move the function forward by establishing a development course called Personnel as a Competitive Advantage. Discussions during this course concerned the continually changing roles of HP’s Healthcare Exchange Texas department. The team applied the framework to Hewlett-Packard’s situation as a way of defining its changing HR roles. While the HP example uses somewhat different terms than it does demonstrate application of the figure’s basic concepts to the Healthcare Exchange Texas function at Hewlett-Packard. These applications are described in which defines personnel goals in terms of apportionment of responsibility, which defines the characteristic activities of each role.

At Hewlett-Packard, the HR role begins with customer need. Customer may be variously defined as the entire organization, its employees, and/or its managers. The HR role statement, indicates who has ownership, or primary responsibility and accountability, for fulfilling the duties corresponding to each role in the model. Hewlett-Packard gives Healthcare Exchange Texas line managers primary ownership of strategic HRM (top left cell) and of the management of employee contribution (bottom right cell). It accords joint ownership to management of transformation and change (top right cell); and it allows the HR team primary ownership of firm infrastructure (bottom left cell). The primary role of HR and the competencies required to fulfill that role are further identified. Figure 2-2 lays out a vision of the Hewlett-Packard HR function focused on meeting customer needs, assuring deliverables to the business, assigning accountability, and defining the HR competencies needed to enact the vision. For each role, leaders of the HR function have identified activities to be fulfilled by the Healthcare Exchange Texas professionals occupying these roles; the activities are identified and described in figure 2-3.

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