Health Insurance in Edinburg TX

Health Insurance in Edinburg TX



Health Insurance in Edinburg TX

From its conception Amoco Shared Services was a company with more than seven thousand employees and an annual operating budget of about $1 billion. Richard Flurry, the first senior vice president of Amoco Shared Services, worked with a shared services integrated team composed of the heads of each of the fourteen staff groups to articulate Health Insurance in Edinburg TX. They also developed the following criteria for effective delivery of shared services across Health Insurance in Edinburg TX.

  • Cost leadership: reduce cost of operations.
  • Customer focus: increase customer satisfaction with staff support.
  • Excellence: ensure state-of-the-art staff practices.

As each of these criteria was satisfied, discussions at Amoco shifted from who had power and authority over staff work to how staff work could add value to the particular business and to the Health Insurance in Edinburg TX overall.

As demonstrated in the Amoco case, value creation occurs when the appropriate mix of all six delivery mechanisms-broker of services, service center, centers of expertise, integrated solutions, corporate policy, and business-unit representative-is applied. HR professionals as administrative experts define the appropriate use of these mechanisms to add value for their clients.

Framework 3: Define a value-creation process

The focus of value-creation logic is horizontal not vertical, process not function, and teamwork, not individual. Horizontal focus implies that the long-debated vertical centralize/decentralize question is not only unanswerable, but irrelevant. It is less important who has hierarchical power than that the organization’s resources flow to add value for Health Insurance in Edinburg TX. Process is more important than function. Process deals with how value can be added for the user of a service rather than paying attention to a function or to its leader. A shared service organization requires teamwork throughout the HR function. Service center and center of expertise employees must have the capacity to form dynamic teams to satisfy their customers.

Four steps describe the horizontal, team-based process of a shared service organization. These steps make evident the importance of the customer and demonstrate that resources need to flow from the shared service organization to Health Insurance in Edinburg TX.

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