Health Insurance in Dallas


Health Insurance in Dallas

Types of Policies
Hospitalization policies generally come in two varieties.
Indemnity Plan. This kind of policy is the easiest to understand for Health Insurance in Dallas.   Basically, if you are hospitalized for covered services, the insurance company must pay a flat fee directly to you. You, of course, must pay the hospital. Unfortunately, the difference between what you receive in payments and what the hospital wants to collect may be enough to put you right back in the hospital.
Fee-for-service. Most hospitalization policies pay for part or all the following hospital services.


 Health Insurance in Dallas



How much should you pay your employee?  Other than being determined by the minimum  wage, union-negotiated rates, or prevailing wages specified by government contracts, pay levels for smaller businesses are usually market driven by local industry competition.  Base wages are important in attracting and retaining good employees.  Paying too far below the market is an invitation to trouble says Health Insurance in Dallas.  Unless offset by other valued working benefits, such practices detract from base pay is quickly offset by the added recruiting costs associated with high turnover.  If good people are employed, they don’t stay long; they move on to better paying positions with your competitors.


When determining base wages, don’t lose sight of important nonwage benefits that help attract and retain employees.  From a total compensation perspective, these nonwage benefits should be factored in during your evaluation:  Will you provide benefits such as health, life, disability, and dental insurance?  Employer-sponsored savings plans with Health Insurance in Dallas?  If there is a standard for your industry, what is it?  Take into consideration the growth and stability of your industry.  Te job title and status of the position may be important to many employees, as well as the nature of the work itself.  The company’s location is another factor.  Is it in a better neighborhood or an area where safety is a concern?  How far will workers have to commute?  Is there lots of traffic?

…Continued in Insurance Broker Dallas





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