Health Insurance Houston TX


Health Insurance Houston TX


How is Health Insurance Optained
You can acquire health insurance in several different ways: through individual policies, group coverage, and government benefits.
A Group insurance policy is sold to an organization of people who share a common interest. This organization may be a corporation, union, trade association, club, religious society, or any other identifiable collection of people an insurance company is willing to recognize as a group. Health Insurance Houston TX rules are mandated by the state. Usually, a company must present Texas Workforce Commision documents or articles of incorporation to proove group insurability.


Health Insurance Houston TX


When doing your own recruiting, do the following:


Ask your better employees for referrals first about Health Insurance Houston TX.


If you place a newspaper ad, use a blind ad to prevent being bombarded by telephone calls.


Screen candidates over the telephone before inviting anyone in for a personal interview.


Unless you have plenty of experience interviewing people, never do an employment interview without preparing a list of questions ahead of time.


Have a trial employment period of at least three months for all new people about Health Insurance Houston TX.  The time passes quickly, so make the effort to evaluate their performance during that time.

Even a small firm should have some written policies.  The absolute minimum should include written guidelines in areas that can cause legal problems for employers of all sizes – equal employment opportunity states, employee problem resolution procedures, sexual harassment policy, and attendance policy.  Whenever you put personnel policies in writing, have your attorney edit them before distribution.  When policies and procedures are published, the owner has an obligation to follow them consistently and fairly.  Companies do get sued by their employees and former employees for not following their own rules.  In effect, they get hit over the head with their own policy manual.  If you aren’t up to the necessary diligence and follow through, you may be better off not having written policies at all.

…Continued in Medical Insurance Houston Texas







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