Frisco Health Insurance Agent

Frisco Health Insurance Agent


Frisco Health Insurance Agent

Durable Medical Equipment

Some illnesses or injuries require the continuing use of durable medical equipment such as respirators, special toilets, wheelchairs, and the like. Often the basic Frisco Health Insurance Agent policies do not pay for these items, or do so only for a limited time. Major medical policies, on the other hand, pay for these life-saving or quality-of-life-enhancing tools over the long haul. (Durable medical equipment is especially vital for those who become handicapped by their medical catastrophe. Wheelchairs and catheters can make the difference between a wasted life and on the can still be pursued productively and enjoyably.)

Skilled Nursing Home Care

If a patient needs to be placed into a skilled Frisco Health Insurance Agent nursing home, major medical will cover the tab. It will not, as a general rule, pay for unskilled nursing, also known as custodial care. (There are insurance policies on the market that do cover convalescent home care.

In order to obtain benefits, you have to file an Frisco Health Insurance Agent claim form. This bit of bureaucracy is a necessary evil. Luckily, many doctors will process the claim for you, either as a goodwill gesture or at extra charge. If your doctor will do this, by all means let his or her trained staff assist with this vital piece of work.

There are two ways in which your health insurance benefits will be paid.

You pay the doctor and the Frisco Health Insurance Agent repays you. Or,

The company pays the doctor directly and you pay him or her the difference that has not been paid by insurance benefits.

If the doctor will process the claim and submit it for you in order to receive direct payment from the company (option 2 above), he or she accepts the assignment of benefits that would normally be due to you. This approach is easier on you and on your pocketbook and should be your preferred method of handling your health insurance business with your doctor. Thus, always ask if your doctor will accept assignment.

Whether or not the doctor accepts Frisco Health Insurance Agent assignment, the insurance company will issue you statements explaining why and how benefits were paid or denied. Be sure you understand these statements and keep copies for your records. And if you disagree with your company’s actions, don’t hesitate to let them know.


…Continued in Freeport small business combined group health insurance rates

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