Frisco Affordable Health Insurance

Frisco Affordable Health Insurance


Frisco Affordable Health Insurance

Most company cost-containment provisions include the following.

Same-day admission for surgery. It used to be that patients were admitted to the hospital the night before surgery. Today, many companies won’t pay for this and require the patient to go into the hospital the morning of surgery. They claim that this is just as safe for the patient, but we note that when Mrs. Reagan had her mastectomy, she was admitted the night before Frisco Affordable Health Insurance surgery. So was Mrs. Ford. So was Ronald Reagan before his colon surgery. Maybe that tells us something.

Pre-admission testing. It is less expensive for the Frisco Affordable Health Insurance insurance company if the test that must be taken before admission to a hospital are made on an outpatient basis. As a result, most policies require you to undergo pre-admission testing in nonemergency situations.

Outpatient surgery. There is a growing trend for Frisco Affordable Health Insurance insurance companies to insist that minor surgeries be performed on an outpatient basis. This means that all recovery is done at home.

Second-opinion requirements. In nonemergency situations, many insurance companies require you to get a second opinion before submitting to surgery in order for you to receive full benefits. Since studies have found that many surgeries are unnecessary (particularly hysterectomies and cesarean sections), this requirement may do you a very big favor.

Prior consent for hospitalization. Some policies will not pay full benefits for hospitalization unless the company agrees ahead of time that it is required (in nonemergency situations).

Managed care. Increasingly, insurers are insisting on “managing” your health Frisco Affordable Health Insurancecare as a way to reduce their costs. Usually this means getting prior approval for hospitalization and some forms of medical treatment. For example, under many managed care programs, the review staff will determine whether your hospitalization is “medically necessary.” If they conclude it is not, you will receive no benefits to pay for the hospitalization. Also, the managed care staff may approve treatment, but in a different, less expensive matter that that suggested by your doctor. Fail to follow the staff’s decision and there will be a reduction or an elimination of Frisco Affordable Health Insurance benefits. If hospitalization is approved, the managed care staff will specify the number of days you will be permitted to stay in the hospital and receive insurance benefits. Managed care can also apply to long-term illness or recovery from injuries where a case managed determines the parameters of care that will be allowed under the insurance policy. Managed care is being touted as an effective method of reducing insurance company costs. But it can also be used as a mechanism for rationing needed health care.


…Continued in Freeport PEO Staffing

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