Federal Health Insurance Exchange Texas

Federal Health Insurance Exchange Texas


Federal Health Insurance Exchange Texas

  • They must establish an organizational architecture and be able to use it to translate strategy into action.
  • They must learn to perform effective organizational diagnosis by asking good questions and generating creative and apt alternative practices.
  • They must be able to set priorities and then to follow through on them.

By jointly performing organizational diagnosis, line managers and HR professionals collaborate to turn Federal Health Insurance Exchange Texas strategies into actions.

Becoming and Administrative Expert

In recent years, line managers and Federal Health Insurance Exchange Texas professionals have had to discover more efficient ways to get work done. These efforts have been loosely labeled reengineering, and they include the reengineering of human resources itself. As HR professionals reengineer their delivery of services they become administrative experts creating efficient infrastructures, both for HR processes and for their businesses as a whole.

The following cases, examining Johnson & Johnson, Inc., and Lotus Company, illustrate the types and extent of HR reengineering. The HR professionals who led these reengineering efforts at J&J and Lotus were administrative experts; their work resulted in more flexible and dynamic Federal Health Insurance Exchange Texas organizations.

Case Study: Johnson & Johnson, Inc.

Johnson & Johnson (J&J), operating in more than 150 countries, is the world’s largest and most comprehensive Federal Health Insurance Exchange Texas products. The corporation encompasses 118 businesses clustered into three major sectors: pharmaceutical and diagnostic products, professional and consumer pharmaceuticals, and consumer and personal care products. The business units have independent philosophies and operating histories as well as unique customers, products, and cultures. J&J corporate executives, however, discovered that much of the sales, general, and administrative costs detailed in the businesses’ financial statements could be traced to bureaucratic controls, duplication, and inefficient HR processes. This led J&J to look for ways to reduce both cost and bureaucracy and to increase HR efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and services of Federal Health Insurance Exchange Texas processes.

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