El Paso Health Insurance Agent


HR Outsourcing El Paso TX

How to Read an Insurance Policy
All right, it’s time for a little “I” dotting and “t” crossing. El Paso Health Insurance Agent knows how to read your insurance policies? Not just glanced at, but truly read them? Do you really know what each of your insurance policies contains—what each does not cover? If you are like most people, the answer is unqualified no.


El Paso Health Insurance Agent




An effective way to keep good performance notes is to create a page for each employee in your day planner says El Paso Health Insurance Agent.  Under headings marked Things Done Well and Areas for Improvement, note both good and bad performance incidents observed throughout the review period, including the date.  Keep these notes confidential.  Yes, you are literally keeping book on your employees, so don’t go overboard and nitpick; record only key incidents that will help you when it comes times to write the review.  Praise your employees for good work and correct them quickly when bad performance occurs.  By keeping good notes, you’ll be amazed at how much backup material you have gathered.  The time and effort spent will be more than offset by the speed and ease with which you will complete the review form later on.



Writing the Review


Referring to your observation notes and the employee’s self-evaluation (if you allow it), clearly hand write the review in pencil for El Paso Health Insurance Agent.  This allows you some flexibility when discussing your evaluation with the employee.  You may find that you have overlooked something and decide to make changes.  A typed review, signed in advance, signals to the employee that your comments are cast in bronze with no room for discussion.


The Performance Review Meeting


Every performance review meeting should be held privately and without interruption. Always start with the positive behaviors you have observed.  Go over the rating with the employee step by step, allowing time to clarify issues and answer questions and concerns with El Paso Health Insurance Agent.  Unless the review is simply outstanding, never present it over lunch.

…Continued in HR Services El Paso TX









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