Dallas Health Plan


Dallas Health Plan

The insurance consumer doesn’t understand what is being purchased with at Dallas Health Plan. As a result, there may be duplication of coverage and a resulting overpayment of premiums.
Worst of all, the consumer has no understanding of what is not being purchased says Dallas Health Plan. This causes dangerous gaps in coverage, leaving the consumer exposed, unprotected, and ripe for a financial fall or even bankruptcy.


Dallas Health Plan

Business Ethics


Companies should be committed to conducting its business according to the highest legal, moral, and ethical standards says Dallas Health Plan.  An employee of a company is expected to deal honestly and fairly with customers, suppliers, and coworkers.  By maintaining these standards, the good name and reputation of the company earned throughout the community are enhanced. 




We all have obligations to the company and our coworkers regarding our personal conduct with Dallas Health Plan.  The following behaviors create work disturbances and dangerous or undesirable working conditions and are not permitted:  drinking alcohol – anyone appearing to be under the influence of alcohol will not be allowed to work; abusive behavior including fighting and bad language is not permitted;  The sale, use or possession of illegal drugs or controlled substances are not permitted on company premises.


Confidential and Proprietary Information


Owners may are require employees to read and/or sign statements acknowledging their understanding of policies regarding the unauthorized or inappropriate disclosure of information considered confidential or owned by the company (proprietary).  Signed copies of these statements are placed within the personnel file.  In addition, the text of these statements may be incorporated within employee handbooks as well.  Work with your attorney to developing the appropriate text.


Dress Code


The trend toward casual dress in the workplace continues to grow in popularity with Dallas Health Plan.  It’s more comfortable and employee4s can save on dry-cleaning costs.  Many feel more relaxed and productive on the job.  Also, with the emphasis on teamwork and worker empowerment, casual dress helps blur distinctions between management and workers.  All employees are require4d to dress neatly and appropriately while at work.  Consult with your supervisor on the dress code requirements for your area.

…Continued in Dallas Life Insurance

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