Beaumont small group business health insurance

Beaumont small group business health insurance



Beaumont small group business health insurance

The effects can be seen at many levels. An executive at a firm that had recently experienced the trauma of downsizing feared that employees would only give their feet and not their minds to the business. He worried that because of the ill will caused by the restructurings, more Beaumont small group business health insurance employees would put their time but not their energy into company goals. Another executive was saddened when an employee, retiring after thirty-five years with the company, commented during his exit interview, “For the last fifteen years you had my body but not my mind.”

The employee went on to say that the business, but since no one asked or seemed concerned about his ideas and opinions, he had kept them to himself. In an example from my own experience, I recently asked participants in a seminar how many present knew at least five ways to improve the Beaumont small group business health insurance operation in with they worked; one hundred percent raised their hands. But everyone likewise agreed that, since these ideas were neither solicited nor, if voiced, acted on, they now simply played the corporate game, keeping their bodies active and their minds closed.

Employee contribution becomes a critical business issue because in trying to produce more output with less employee input, companies have no choice but to try to engage not only the body but the mind and soul of every employee. Employee contributions go up when employees feel free to share ideas, when they feel that key individuals in the firm have their interests in mind, and when they feel they have a valid and valued employment relationship with the Beaumont small group business health insurance firm.

As business partners, HR professionals play a critical role in developing this employee-firm relationship. If no one listens to and represents the employees’ interest, many who have choices outside the firm will act on them. If no one hears the voice of the employee, the voice may be silenced, to the detriment of the Beaumont small group business health insurance business.

HR professionals are business partners when they ensure that employee contribution remains high. In the past, this meant attending to the social needs of employees—picnics, parties, United Way campaigns, and so on. While the importance of these activities has declined, employee needs have not, and successful HR professionals must find serious replacement activities if they are to ensure Beaumont small group business health insurance employee commitment.

HR professionals alone do not own the responsibility for employee contribution and commitment. As Pete Peterson, the vice president of human resources for Hewlett-Packard, has put it, “Managers are responsible and accountable for people in their operation.


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