Austin Health Plan


Austin Health Plan

How to choose an agent. James Quiggle, Director of Public Relations for the National Association of Professional Insurance Agents in the 80s, offers these helpful hints on how to choose and agent when looking for an Austin Health Plan:
Shop at least three agents. Compare them to see which one offers the insurance package that best meets your needs. This means comparing the policies, prices, and services to arrive at your definition of the total value of the package. Each time you interview an agent, ask pointed questions about their policies, prices, and services.


Austin Health Plan


If you choose a casual dress policy, specify what is considered casual wear says Austin Health Plan.  Everyone should be clean and well groomed.  Will you permit blue jeans or other types of jeans?  How about sweat shirts and pants, or nylon exercise suits?  Are shorts and halter tops prohibited?  Shower slippers?  Shoes with no socks?  It’s surprising what some people will wear to work.  Why not ask your employees to draw up a list of what they think is acceptable and present it for your review.



EEOC Statements


Organizations frequently include a statement regarding policy on equal opportunity employment with Austin Health Plan.  It should be your company’s policy to treat all applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, physical or mental handicap or disability, marital status, or status as a veteran or disabled veteran.  If you feel you have been discriminated against by anyone in the company, report it to your supervisor.  Your report will be handled confidentially.


Employee Personnel Files


Personnel files are maintained for all employees within the company says Austin Health Plan.  Included are employment applications, resumes, performance appraisals, training records, and other documents related to employment.  The personnel files are kept confidential with access given to only those persons with a valid need to know.  You can review your own file; and if you see incorrect information, please request that the appropriate changes be made.  Help us keep your file up to date by promptly notifying us of any changes to your personal status such as marriage, divorce, change of address and telephone number, and emergency contact person.  Information in your file will be released to outside parties only when the company responds to duly authorized requests from legal agencies, such as summonses, subpoenas, and judicial orders, or with written permission from you.

…Continued in Austin Life Insurance









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