Amarillo small group health insurance

Amarillo small group health insurance



Amarillo small group health insurance

Most walled and roofed structures that are above ground may be insured. As long as the property you wish to insure is a roofed structure with walls and is not below ground or wholly over water, it can be insured. So can the personal property contained therein. However, if the building to be insured is below the government’s flood-control building standards, Amarillo small group health insurance can be refused.

The amount of insurance is limited. There are limits to the amount of flood insurance you can buy. If a community decides to join the system, it is initially part of the “emergency program.” At this time the community is required to adapt initial measures to control flooding. Once this has been done and the FIRM has been prepared, the community joins the “regular program.”

NOTE: These figures are subject to change. Ask your local homeowner’s Amarillo small group health insurance agent for current figures. Also ask about the minimum levels below which the program will not sell policies.

Limits of coverage. Following are the limits of coverage available under the emergency and regular programs.

Definition of “flood”. Several hazards come under the term. A “flood” is defined as a “temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas” causes by:

  • The overflow of inland or tidal waters.
  • The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source.
  • Mudslides that are proximately caused by flooding as defined above if they are akin to a river of liquid and if they occur on what is normally dry land.

The collapse of land along a shore as a result of erosion of undermining caused by waves or currents of Amarillo small group health insurance.


Amarillo small group health insurance has deductibles. Varying levels of deductibles are available. Ask your agent for details.

The flood insurance program shows what can be done by a concerned federal government working with local communities. Thanks to the program, communities are making themselves less vulnerable to flood damage and individuals can insure themselves against losses. As the old saying goes, “Such a deal!”

For more information on Amarillo small group health insurance, contact your local property insurance agent or:

Or you can call toll free at (800) 638-6620. In Maryland, the number is (800) 492-6605. In Alaska, Puerto Rico, Guam, Hawaii, or the Virgin Islands, call (800) 638-6831.


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