Amarillo cheap health insurance temporary

Amarillo cheap health insurance temporary



Amarillo cheap health insurance temporary

The AMA Plan for Uninsured Workers

The first part of the AMA plan covers employed uninsured workers, who, according to AMA studies, constitute 75 to 80 percent of the populace not protected by Amarillo cheap health insurance temporary insurance. The AMA proposes the following.

Employers should be required to provide adequate health insurance for their employees. The AMA believes that employers should be required by law to provide health insurance for their full-time employees. This requirement would be phased in over a period of years starting with larger companies. In order to soften the financial blow, Amarillo cheap health insurance temporary tax credits would offset some of the additional costs companies would incur. Part-time employees would evidently not be covered by the proposal, depending on how the term full-time is defined. This loophole would probably be recognized by many employers, leading them to hire fewer full-time workers. (One large retail chain already embodies this policy to avoid having to pay employee benefits.)

State pools would be created to assist small businesses in obtaining reasonably priced coverage. The AMA recognizes that small businesses would not have the clout to purchase quality group coverage at a reasonable price. Therefore, they recommend the expansion of multiple employer trusts (METs), where many small businesses pool their Amarillo cheap health insurance temporary health insurance purchasing powers to be able to negotiate a favorable group policy.

AMA’s Plan Uninsurable Citizens and Those in Need

The AMA estimates that the majority of the currently uninsured would find protection in the above proposed laws. However, they recognize that a significant number of people would remain unprotected. These include, according to AMA estimates, about 11 million who live below the poverty level and 1 million who are uninsurable or unable to afford individual policies. For these people in need, the AMA proposes an increase in states and federal government involvement, including the following.

The standardization of Medicaid eligibility requirements for all states. Currently, Medicaid, the medical program to assist the poor with their medical care (see Chapter 34), has widely diverse eligibility requirements among the states that can administer the Amarillo cheap health insurance temporary programs. The AMA believes this can be resolved by federal regulation standardizing eligibility while allowing each state to adjust for its own economic circumstances. The point would be to catch those individuals who fall between the cracks of the current system of Medicaid.

The creation of basic national minimum benefit standards. Each state’s program would have to meet minimum national standards in terms of benefits provided. This would eliminate the inequities in the current system, which finds Medicaid recipients receiving superior benefits in some states and inferior Amarillo cheap health insurance temporary benefits in others.


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