Affirmative Insurance Dallas TX

Affirmative Insurance Dallas TX



Affirmative Insurance Dallas TX

CPCU (Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter): This credential is the equivalent of a CLU, but applies to the field of property/casualty insurance. In order to earn Affirmative Insurance Dallas TX designation, the applicant must pass 10 national examinations, have a minimum of three years of experience in the field, and agree to abide by a code of ethics. The Affirmative Insurance Dallas TX program is administered by the American Institute for Property and Liability Insurance Underwriters in Malvern, Pennsylvania.

Group purchases. As we will discuss in detail later a good way to get the best product for the best price is to be a member of a group that has purchased insurance at group rates. A group is a collection on people with a common interest (such as Affirmative Insurance Dallas TX) who use the concept of “power in numbers” to purchase insurance under the principles of mass merchandising. If the group is big enough, it can usually buy better benefits for a lower price than an individual buyer.

Consumer Alert:

If your union, employer, or other group administrators are in the process of negotiating a policy on your behalf, get involved! You will be bound by whatever Affirmative Insurance Dallas TX contract is negotiated, so take a look at the fine print before the deals are signed. If you don’t like what you see, speak up. The benefits you save may be important to you later on.

     We will deal further with many of these concepts as they become relevant throughout the book. For now, let’s get to the heart of the matter, buying insurance. That’s the signpost up ahead, you’ve just crossed over into the insurance zone.


How to buy insurance

It is safe to say that a great many people in this country are very unhappy about insurance. Some are angry with their individual companies, some with the insurance industry in general, and a great many more with both. True, part of this dissatisfaction is caused by insurance company practices and procedures and by weaknesses in the area of regulation (see Chapter 39). But too many Affirmative Insurance Dallas TX consumers have only themselves to blame because of the poor manner in which they have gone about the task of shopping for insurance coverage.

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