Health Insurance in El Paso TX


Health Insurance in El Paso TX

Consumer Alert:
If you are in a hurry to find coverage with Health Insurance in El Paso TX —or even if you are not—always ask the agent if he or she has been given authority by the insurance company or companies to issue binders. If the answer is yes and you sign up for insurance, be sure you get the binder in writing.


Health Insurance in El Paso TX

Employee Participation


Actively involve employees in performance reviews says Health Insurance in El Paso TX.  Obtaining their ideas and comments facilitates better cooperation.  One method is to allow each employee to rate him or herself on a separate review form prior to the formal review.  You’ll learn how employees see their own performance, perhaps confirming your evaluations.  Employees may underrate their achievements, which gives you the opportunity to motivate them by raising their scores.  Even if they overrate themselves, you may gain a new perspective.  Sometimes the employee will highlight achievements for problems you have overlooked for Health Insurance in El Paso TX.  You can then focus on these areas.


Substantiating Reviews


An entrepreneur conducting a performance review should be able to back up the assessment with as many facts as possible says Health Insurance in El Paso TX.  Gut feelings and estimates don’t cut it when challenged by an intelligent, assertive employee who wants to know why he or she received a certain rating.  The fairest ratings are substantiated in a number of ways:


Work records – whenever possible, keep good records of accomplished tasks.  Granted, this may not be possible for many jobs, particularly administrative support and technical positions for which it may be difficult to quantify the work.  Try to keep records that capture measures of quantity, quality, and turnaround time says Health Insurance in El Paso TX.  Including statistics on customer complaints should also be considered. 


Observed behavior – take note of employee performance throughout the entire review period, not just the last few weeks before the evaluation.  Employees know when they due for a review; some play the system by stepping up their efforts a few weeks before the event or cultivating a more favorable impression in other ways for Health Insurance in El Paso TX.

…Continued in HR Outsourcing El Paso TX









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